Gain Visibility & Control
Supplier Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: The Trudexia profile of your suppliers is tailored to your risk appetite, so you will feel comfortable that your suppliers will not be responsible for your next breach. link

Understand Your
Suppliers Better
Gain an understanding of your entire supplier ecosystem discovering weaknesses as they present themselves to you can better understand the cyber threats. Tailored treatment plans will help you focus on negotiating what is important to your business and keep you from being distracted.
The Journey
Third party assessments can easily be conducted across all the third party relationships. Rapid and large scale assessment programs are enabled through Trudexia collecting, assessing, evaluating, and analysing controls and risks with each and every third party relationship.
Monitoring of the supply chain requires more than a once off check that is conducted at the time of on-boarding a third party. Monitoring requires continuous updating of the risks to your company that could be sourced from the third party supplier network.ā
Trudexia has continuous monitoring of the risks that are sourced from third parties. Always up to date. Always as they change.
Board level reporting is automated and always available making risk decisions fast and making assurance efficient.
Request a Demo
Schedule a demo with one of our product consultants.
01. Start Fast
Rapid onboarding with Trudexia cuts the time to achieve supplier risk reviews. Specialist cyber reviews with Trudexia complete before you can find staff to hire. Start now.
02. Better Manage
Suppliers can be onboarded with confidence now that the Trudexia profile is highlighting the area of concern. Intelligent profiles allow you to make decisions based on your risk criteria. Get better at managing risk.
03. Board Analytics
Management and the board of directors can receive the information they need to rest assured that the supplier risk profile is in being managed. Monitoring of the changes in the risk profile is always on, allowing you have all the intelligence at your finger tips. Provide reports and analytics with ease.